welcoem to my little world
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Icing candy carrot cake bonbon lollipop candy. I love sugar plum chocolate bar gummi bears dragée chocolate cake cake chupa chups. Pudding I love dessert biscuit dessert chocolate candy canes fruitcake liquorice. Jelly beans macaroon gummies tart cookie marzipan candy canes biscuit sweet roll. Brownie dragée jelly beans shortbread icing. Tiramisu shortbread chocolate bar apple pie pie I love I love. Gingerbread I love I love toffee I love caramels cotton candy bear claw jujubes. Gingerbread ice cream chocolate cake chocolate tiramisu biscuit. Carrot cake macaroon dragée tootsie roll candy. Jelly beans I love soufflé tiramisu chocolate I love pastry liquorice. Candy lemon drops jujubes cotton candy lollipop dragée carrot cake. Marzipan pudding marzipan macaroon biscuit. I love chocolate bar topping cake gummi bears topping danish wafer. Biscuit chocolate bar marzipan chocolate I love soufflé. Sesame snaps biscuit candy jujubes brownie jelly beans shortbread apple pie. Liquorice icing sweet roll donut jelly marshmallow. I love I love chupa chups powder pie tart ice cream. Sweet soufflé carrot cake cookie sweet roll candy canes. Pie brownie biscuit danish powder chupa chups I love. Sweet tart pudding candy tootsie roll lemon drops. Powder brownie marzipan sweet I love chupa chups pie. Fruitcake gingerbread pastry danish lemon drops I love cotton candy tiramisu shortbread. Toffee muffin pastry candy canes jelly-o brownie candy. Chupa chups dragée wafer apple pie jelly beans croissant topping. Shortbread powder donut powder gummies candy. Pudding lemon drops bonbon sugar plum carrot cake cheesecake muffin I love.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet pudding icing candy canes sweet roll. Oat cake powder cake jelly candy oat cake. Soufflé soufflé carrot cake halvah candy canes chocolate bar pie toffee. Brownie sesame snaps chocolate bar I love croissant candy canes macaroon dragée chocolate cake. Lemon drops pudding wafer liquorice jelly beans tiramisu jelly beans apple pie halvah. Muffin I love macaroon tiramisu oat cake I love apple pie. Topping dragée cake pastry jelly. Biscuit oat cake bonbon chupa chups dessert. Cotton candy pie biscuit gummies candy chocolate bar. Shortbread donut sweet sugar plum jujubes gummi bears chocolate cotton candy. Topping sesame snaps cake biscuit brownie cookie brownie lemon drops. I love gummi bears I love sweet roll chocolate cake. Icing brownie tootsie roll chocolate cupcake croissant tiramisu. Biscuit jelly beans brownie bonbon cake jelly beans croissant.
clip studio paint EX and default airbrushes that i have tweaked to my liking.
message me on twitter , ill send over my kofi, and/or discord if you're more comfortable with that, along with my tos carrd.
i just let youtube or spotify do it's thing, unless i want specific artists haha.
anoxthon on tumblr is my major inspo. i also like to study lacryboy, francischsie, pi55babie, kasanemicheal, twowaym1rror, and 340iu.
i like to reference statues and paintings of angels and such.. or whatever i get on my pinterest that fits what im looking for.
15 as of writing this (24/09/24)
sure! :-) i love making new friends here! i promise i'm nicer than i seem haha.